What is Pet Trust?
A pet trust is a legal arrangement that states in the trust deed how and who will take care of your pet if you pass away or if you become ill or disabled.
Rockwills Pet Trust is the first in Malaysia to help you creating a private trust to take care of your pet financially when you are no longer around. The features of the Pet Trust as follows.
- Appointing a pet guardian to look after your pet when you are unable to do;
- Appointing a protector to make decisions for the care of your pet;
- Allocating funds to pay regular allowance to the pet guardian and protector;
- You may have variety of instructions in the trust deed for the Pet Guardian to carry out;
- Rockwills Trustee Berhad acts as the trustee will ensure that the funds in the Pet Trust are used according to your instructions;
- Pet Trust can be revoked and amended whenever you want to;
- Part of your life insurance, unit trust investments and monies in your bank accounts could be covered in the Pet Trust to be used for your pet.